Massive Links! (Or Three Links I Am ListingToday)

by Art Fag City on November 21, 2006 Events

It’s not like there aren’t all kinds of things to be writing about, but none of them seem to be happening today, since I spent the better part of the morning with no Internet connection. This is kind of pain when most of your work is done, you know, on the Internet. As a result today is link day. AFC likes to share surfing love.

Hey Hot Shot, a photography competition that Jen Bekman Gallery runs through flickr, announced their photo competition winners yesterday. It’s noteworthy not because the competition has much to do with flickr (although I will get to this in a minute), but because the winners are make such strong work. One of the reasons I’m interested in this competition is because it is the first example of a commercial gallery using Internet tools successfully as part of their business practice (as opposed to some cute gimmick that shows how cool the web is.) To be clear, it’s not that I think galleries should all be trying to run their businesses on the web, but rather, that the Internet is an incredibly efficient means of sussing out talent, so it’s important to start using it that way. UPDATE VIA JEN BEKMAN: “One little thing – I don’t actually run the competition through Flickr. I use Flickr extensively to post and get feedback on artists work both for HHS and for other gallery shows, but the whole competition is actually administered via a backend database thingy that JCN built for me, and we don’t actually use Flickr to review entries.”

“I love Flickr as a complement to my rocking Word Press setup that Jeff Kirsch has created for me, but really my internet approach is basically fourfold: good ol’ fashioned website, blogs (personism, hhs and the jb blog), flickr (which basically is the engine for all the image stuff I use on my blogs) and email marketing. “

For those who are interested in Internet publishing, Jason Kottke wrote a great write up on Podcasts last week, stating that “30 seconds of music before the actual podcast begins is the audio equivalent of Flash splash pages on web sites”. He pretty much sums up my feelings on the matter, though it’s not like you would necessarily know that from the one two hour “podcast” that is currently hosted on this site. It’s probably just better to call the AFC discussion an audio file on the web, and make the announcement that in the future our podcasts will last five minutes max.

Nasty Nets: My favorite Internet surfing club has more than a few Internet all star artists: Marisa Olson, Guthrie Lonergan, Michael Bell-Smith, Tom Moody, Paul Slocum, Brian Blomerth, Travis Hallenbeck, Joel Homeberg, John Michael-Boling, Peter Baldes.

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