Posting Notice: Eat Tofurky!

by Art Fag City on November 22, 2007 · 5 comments Posting Notice

Elsie Kagan

Elsie Kagan, My Blue Heaven, 2006, Oil on canvas, 42 inches in diameter

I intend to be in a food coma for the majority of today and tomorrow, so don’t look for too much new content here over the holidays. On an administrative note, please bear with us while we work on a solution to slow comment moderation. Anyone who can point us to a comment white listing plugin for wordpress that actually works, please get in touch with us via Alternatively, those interested in pursuing a glamorous career in volunteer comment moderation might also drop us a line.


Denny Greenway November 24, 2007 at 5:10 pm

This is competent painting, but it starts to look too much like the historical model and seems like somebody doing a copy of a High Baroque Italian ceiling ptg., Tiepolo’s fresco palette. Academia, no? Be interesting to see what she does w/ it, though.

Denny Greenway November 24, 2007 at 5:10 pm

This is competent painting, but it starts to look too much like the historical model and seems like somebody doing a copy of a High Baroque Italian ceiling ptg., Tiepolo’s fresco palette. Academia, no? Be interesting to see what she does w/ it, though.

Denny Greenway November 24, 2007 at 5:10 pm

This is competent painting, but it starts to look too much like the historical model and seems like somebody doing a copy of a High Baroque Italian ceiling ptg., Tiepolo’s fresco palette. Academia, no? Be interesting to see what she does w/ it, though.

Denny Greenway November 24, 2007 at 12:10 pm

This is competent painting, but it starts to look too much like the historical model and seems like somebody doing a copy of a High Baroque Italian ceiling ptg., Tiepolo’s fresco palette. Academia, no? Be interesting to see what she does w/ it, though.

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