Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on March 3, 2009 Fresh Links!

Edward_ Winkleman – On the financial challenges facing Annie Leibovitz

[M]ost of her financial woes stemmed from her inheritance of her long time partner, Susan Sontag's, estate. […] [S]ame-sex couples do not have the same privileges as straight married couples when it comes to inheritance. If your partner passes away and leaves her estate to you, you have to pay up to 50 percent of the value of your inheritance in taxes. However, if you and your partner were recognized as a married couple, you wouldn't have to pay a dime. And it is precisely this unjust double standard that got Annie Leibovitz into financial trouble. When Sontag died in 2004, she bequeathed several properties to Leibovitz, who was forced to pony up half of their value to keep them. […]

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