Jill Sutherland July 8, 2015 at 11:07 pm

Corinna and Paddy: has this blog had a history of being NSFW? I opened AFC at a Starbucks and had to immediately close my laptop in embarrassment when I came upon this image. No NSFW warning or nothing. What is up with this? Thanks.

Corinna Kirsch July 8, 2015 at 11:14 pm

NSFW label now up. But yes, we generally post things that are NSFW, though usually there’s a label for that. When this image was posted on Motherboard, however, there was no NSFW label…

grexit impending July 8, 2015 at 11:59 pm

Ironically, clicking the word “bobweiszsucks” brings up a content warning. And that’s even on Reddit!

Paddy Johnson July 9, 2015 at 12:55 am

How many accounts do you need grexit impending/pasta sauce? You comment on our posts only to lament the appropriateness of content no one is forcing you to read. As far as I can tell, the only reason for creating so many commenting accounts is so people don’t think you’re crazy, which they obviously would if they saw how obsessively you leave comments saying the same thing. If you’re not doing that you’re simply harassing our writers.

This needs to stop. You’re promoting the belief that harassment is acceptable when one person’s taste doesn’t align with another. That’s either disingenuous or a product of Internet shaming culture that has no place here. It serves no one any good and does little more than waste everyone’s time.

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