Archive of Anthony Antonellis

Anthony has written 1 article(s) for AFC.

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Anthony Antonellis

6 Recommendations for Storing File-Based Artworks

by Anthony Antonellis on June 6, 2016
Thumbnail image for 6 Recommendations for Storing File-Based Artworks

Editor’s Note: last month, we launched AFC Workshops: 21st Century Survival for Artists, a two-part series of courses led by artists, educators and art-world insiders designed to give artists the tools to get ahead. Due to the positive response to our May 21 workshops, we decided to run on the blog a series authored by the facilitators summarizing their course’s key takeaways. (If you’re interested, there are a few spots still available for our upcoming June 18 workshops.)

Next up, Anthony Antonellis, who led our “Best Practices: Digital Art Storage” course. Anthony is an artist based on the internet, whose practice involves various forms of net art and curating exhibitions in alternative spaces, such as the 1-kilobyte chip implanted in his hand. He lectures at SUNY Purchase College and is the creator of, an online-gallery listing and directory. 

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