From the category archives:


The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction* in Pictures

by Will Brand and Paddy Johnson on February 28, 2012
Thumbnail image for The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction* in Pictures

Thursday’s Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction* at Site/109 was a screaming success and we’ve got just under a hundred pictures to prove it.

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Free Bouncy Rides, at No Charge: Your AFCRPAAaA* Entertainment

by Will Brand on February 21, 2012
Thumbnail image for Free Bouncy Rides, at No Charge: Your AFCRPAAaA* Entertainment

If you know anything at all about the AFCRPAAaA*, you know we aren’t going to pull punches with the entertainment. We’re very pleased to announce that exclusively for the AFCRPAAaA*, Nate Hill will be performing his Free Bouncy Rides, one last time, this Thursday night.

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A Golden Pig Fountain and Fresh-Picked Silver Fruit: Your AFCRPAAaA* Dinner

by Will Brand on February 21, 2012
Thumbnail image for A Golden Pig Fountain and Fresh-Picked Silver Fruit: Your AFCRPAAaA* Dinner

As Napoleon said, an army marches on its stomach. So how are we planning to keep our brigades moving this Thursday, at the Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Awards and Auction*? With an aerial pig fountain and a tree of golden meat. It’s the latest performance from Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw, and it has us psyched.

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Announcing The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards Auction List

by Paddy Johnson on February 20, 2012
Thumbnail image for Announcing The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards Auction List

I’ve been trying to keep the Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction updates from completely taking over the blog, but benefits are such an enormous undertaking that at some point you just give up and hope people will find them as fascinating as you do. I’m not exactly an unbiased source, but with the auction items we release today, I can’t imagine there being any question over whether you should attend. As tweeted yesterday evening, “A live staging of Richard Prince’s deposition is only in the like 80th pctile of crazy in @artfagcity’s benefit auction”. That’s an exaggeration of course — I’d give that re-enactment a far more generous crazy ranking — but the point is well made. You simply won’t find more unique experiences and objects anywhere else.

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The AFCRPAAaA* Readers’ Choice Nominees Are Announced!

by Whitney Kimball on February 16, 2012
Thumbnail image for The AFCRPAAaA* Readers’ Choice Nominees Are Announced!

Yesterday, we closed the readers’ voting page for AFC’s Rob Pruitt Awards. The results? Not one joke entry was submitted under “Best Genitals.” Hrag Vartanian and Jerry Saltz were nominated for virtually every category. Immediately after the voting page went live, Will Brand’s name mysteriously appeared once each under the “Best Genitals” and “Most Powerful” categories. And it became abundantly clear that nobody can spell; “vrag hartanian”, “rovanian”, “herag”, and “hrog” were all nominated.

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Voting is Open for the Rob Pruitt Art Awards

by Art Fag City on February 14, 2012
Thumbnail image for Voting is Open for the Rob Pruitt Art Awards

Fantastic news for people who like to vote for things! The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction* Reader’s Choice Nominations — til now the exclusive domain of our newsletter readers — is now open to all. This is your big chance to choose your favorite art world personalities. Who is the Best Jerry? Who has the Best Genitals? Who keeps pulling a Franco and popping up everywhere for no discernable good reason? Now, you can cast your vote and help us settle this – in less time than it takes to tell your girlfriend you love her.

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The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Award* Nominees (Mostly) Announced!

by Art Fag City on February 6, 2012
Thumbnail image for The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Award* Nominees (Mostly) Announced!

Find out what it’s like to be an Art Fag. We spend our days talking about our favorite genitals in the art world, and we want you to do the same! In that spirit, we’ve left one name blank for each Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Award, and we’re inviting our readers to nominate the final entrant. The final winner will be decided by our esteemed panel of judges, William Powhida, Jen Dalton, and Anton Vidokle, and announced at the inaugural Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction* this February 23rd.

Today, we release the names we came up with. Let us know what we got right, and let us know what we got wrong. We’ll be sending out nominating instructions for the Reader’s Choice nominees to our mailing list this Friday, so don’t risk missing it – sign up for the mailer today.

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Party With Us: The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction*

by Paddy Johnson on February 3, 2012
Thumbnail image for Party With Us: The Art Fag City Rob Pruitt Art Awards and Auction*

I know it sounds too good, too absurd, to be true, but believe it. We’re actually launching The AFCRPAAaA* this February 23rd. We’re actually hosting an auction with Simon de Pury, in collaboration with Site 109. Attendees will actually see performances by Nate Hill and Jen Catron and Paul Outlaw. Prizes will actually be decided by a jury of Anton Vidokle, William Powhida, and Jen Dalton.

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