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The Decentralization of Art on The Internet: An Imagined History

by Paddy Johnson on January 18, 2011
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Artist Brad Troemel would be better served if he simply wrote the manifesto he’s got in him, rather than trying to defend a bunch of radical ideas by fabricating net history. It’s an irresponsible practice and likely to mislead readers unfamiliar with the topic. I went to the trouble of annotating the historical timeline adeptly identified by Michael Manning as a “90's utopia disrupted by a web 2.0 capitalist regime, which paved the way for a group of elitist artists seeking institutional recognition via surf clubs, and which was finally brought down by the populist Tumblr using Internet artist”. Click through for my notes and corrections.

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Internet Panel Discussion Tonight! Immaterial Dispersal at Guild Art Gallery

by Paddy Johnson on September 7, 2010
Thumbnail image for Internet Panel Discussion Tonight! Immaterial Dispersal at Guild Art Gallery

What is the function of immaterial art? Who are the artists and writers who use the internet to produce and distribute information? The answer to the latter question is nearly everyone, but Nik Pence has narrowed his panel speakers down to six participants for Immaterial Dispersal at the Guild Art Gallery tonight. Mostly they are […]

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Last Month’s Masthead: Brad Troemel

by Paddy Johnson on July 14, 2010
Thumbnail image for Last Month’s Masthead: Brad Troemel

My learning curve learning the new AFC backend had a few glitches, so this post never made it to the front page a month ago. We’re switching the masthead up today but I wanted to make sure at least one image selected by Masthead artist Brad Troemel plus the post intended for it made the main page.

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Art Fag City at The L Magazine: The Rise of Online Galleries

by Paddy Johnson on July 1, 2010
Thumbnail image for Art Fag City at The L Magazine: The Rise of Online Galleries

Over the last year, a growing new online artist community has arisen, dubbed by member Brad Troemel as “Dual Sites.” This consists of artist-run galleries typically formed by fresh art school graduates who also run online galleries on tumblr blogs. They are located all over the globe (though the density is greatest in the United States) and are particularly popular with art students.

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Holding “ART WHORE” Up to Its Peers

by Whitney Kimball on November 12, 2014
Thumbnail image for Holding “ART WHORE” Up to Its Peers

Thanks to submissions from twitter, Facebook, and our comment thread, here are nine outsourced artworks to contextualize Ryder Ripps’s “ART WHORE”.

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Looking Back at Dream Exhibitions Version 1.0

by Corinna Kirsch on March 18, 2014
Thumbnail image for Looking Back at Dream Exhibitions Version 1.0

Looking back at the first edition of Dream Exhibitions, several trends ended up popping up like persistent gophers.

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