Posts tagged as:

matthew barney

AFC’s Fall Forecast: Goth Art Everywhere

by Michael Anthony Farley and Corinna Kirsch on August 19, 2016
Thumbnail image for AFC’s Fall Forecast: Goth Art Everywhere

Winter is coming. As the nights grow longer, shadows seem to creep into the city’s innumerable white boxes.

Our prediction for what the Fall/Winter 2016 look will be in New York: goth as fuck.

Artists, galleries, and institutions across the city seem to be embracing the macabre, gloomy, and achromatic in the months leading up to Halloween (by far, the art world’s most important holiday). We’re looking forward to aesthetic darkness, existential angst, and an embrace of the occult. Is this otherworldly tragic election season to blame for our state of mourning? We’re not sure, but let’s hope some fall weather shows up in time for us to break out our all-black wardrobes.

We’ve rated New York’s darkest upcoming art shows from “one tube of black lipstick” for “somewhat bleak” to “five tubes of black lipstick” for “this gallery is essentially a food court full of crying mall goths.” Our picks, arranged by opening date:

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This Week’s Must-see Art Events: Talk Hard, Talk Dirty

by Paddy Johnson and Michael Anthony Farley on May 11, 2015
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There’s a lot to do in the next seven days—from Chelsea openings to the Met’s rooftop and art fairs on opposite ends of Manhattan. When your eyes (and feet) are sore from trying to see it all, sit down and enjoy listening to some stellar presentations from some of the world’s best and brightest curators, artists, and critics. And Jerry Saltz.

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This Week’s Must See Events: No Rest for the Weary

by Paddy Johnson and Whitney Kimball on March 31, 2014
Thumbnail image for This Week’s Must See Events: No Rest for the Weary

Any art nerd who’s dreaming of taking this week off needs to take another look at their calendar. Galleries across the city are opening new shows, and there are plenty of talks too. Between art star Matthew Barney’s tell-all talk with Sir Norman Rosenthal at The 92nd Y this and upcoming talent Sara Cwynar’s show opening at Foxy Production this Friday, you’ll not lack art to see and discuss.

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