Posting Notice: The Babies Are Coming

by Art Fag City on January 23, 2009 · 8 comments Posting Notice

Dan Bergeron, Condos For Babies
Today’s final baby post and an array of art links will arrive late in the day on account of the AFC HQ having filled with stinky water.  Once this has been taken care of, posting will resume.

This above piece was made for a show called A City Renewal Project. Torontoist write-up here.


L.M. January 23, 2009 at 5:38 pm

This is one show that I was really sorry to have missed during my November from hell.

L.M. January 23, 2009 at 5:38 pm

This is one show that I was really sorry to have missed during my November from hell.

L.M. January 23, 2009 at 12:38 pm

This is one show that I was really sorry to have missed during my November from hell.

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