Google image via:
- notes Google’s security pixilation looks like art. Associate Editor and AFC curator Karen Archey remarked in the office today that the work reminded her of Kota Ezawa, Jason Salavon. I took Alfred Jenson mixed with Luc Tuyman’s palette, though I’m sure there’s an artist that more closely matches Google’s pixilations. Though not as well known, Aron Namenwirth certainly provides a very good match.
- Does anyone know how much money the 2008 art market pulled in? A few AFC readers have asked us this question recently, and while we wonder how accurate any number answering such a query might be, we defer to the experts on this matter. The hope is that the Art Market Monitor will be able to help us calculate the number, hopefully without placing it behind their paywall.
- The L Magazine has a feature up today on one of my favorite TV shows, Freaks and Geeks. The video here.
- Does anyone play a lot of Counter Strike online? It’s a video game in which players attempt to shoot their online oppenents, and it’s very hard (I suck). Those who have played the game may appreciate the above song. Via: actionchrist
- Finally, I know we gave Lindsay Pollock a hard time a while back, but we’ve been enjoying her gossipy blog lately.
At one point, I put “like Jules de Balincourt and Trevor Paglen playing in Ruth Root’s basement” in the post, but I took it out.
Still, there’s someone stuck in my head who makes Mehretu-size flying color polygons-on-white. Can’t think of his name or which Phillips de Pury sale he was flipped at. Not Eberhard Havekost…
At one point, I put “like Jules de Balincourt and Trevor Paglen playing in Ruth Root’s basement” in the post, but I took it out.
Still, there’s someone stuck in my head who makes Mehretu-size flying color polygons-on-white. Can’t think of his name or which Phillips de Pury sale he was flipped at. Not Eberhard Havekost…
hah, just clicked through Aron’s link. I hear him right now going, “Move on, pal, I’m workin’ this side of the street.”
hah, just clicked through Aron’s link. I hear him right now going, “Move on, pal, I’m workin’ this side of the street.”
remind me of Alex Brown
remind me of Alex Brown
Dam I thought I was well known, just not a sellout.
Dam I thought I was well known, just not a sellout.
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