- Jeff Koons was on Stephen Colbert Wednesday talking about his art. Koons says the art happens inside the viewer. Hyperallergic’s Hrag Vartanian says there’s a touch of Ayn Rand to that sentiment, which I guess we’ll have to apply to artist Kevin Bewersdorf‘s work, too, now. Personally, I think Colbert missed an opportunity with this interview. Koons has spent years talking about how “methods of display reveal our ‘sense of self’ and how his choice of subject matter is often an attempt to assist us with ‘self acceptance’,” and that could have offered some real fodder. Instead he focused on how expensive Koons’ work is, a topic the artist is used to evading by now. [Hyperallergic]
- This folk art show at The Seaport Museum looks great. We hope this means there’ll be more Folk Art/Seaport Museum collaborations in the future. [NYTimes]
- I lost 2,000 words this week thanks to WordPress, but it could be worse. Knight Capital says it lost $440 million thanks to a trading glitch. That’s 10 million a minute. [Dealbook]
- Bad news for The Observer. Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Director Elizabeth Spiers is leaving. So, too, is Observer Media Group president Christopher Barnes. [Man About Town]
- Greg.org has a great post on Chris Marker’s transformation of some appropriated GNTV/Dubai State Media footage. [Greg.org]
- Dramatic readings of Yelp reviews. [Gawker]
- Corinna Kirsch put together list of a zillion (okay 12) art projects that involved food in some way. There are probably a few more that could be added, so let us know in the comment section. [The L Magazine]
- Scott Macaulay’s recap of the Creative Capital retreat, in full. Love it. [FilmmakerMag]
- Paul Bremer (yes that Paul Bremer) has retired to Vermont to paint watercolors. [Foreign Policy]
- AFC’s Whitney Kimball is talking to actual New York interns in the weeks leading up to Bravo’s new reality show Gallery Girls. The show will highlight the careers of young women who will take internships in the art world. We’ve heard some rumors from people who’ve watched the first pilot that this show is actually embarrassing to watch. We’re worried. [The L Magazine]
Weekend Links: The $ 440 Million Glitch
by Paddy Johnson on August 3, 2012 · 1 comment Massive Links
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You really missed me on this one.
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