- Boston is on total lockdown after two suspects in the Boston Marathon Bombing held up a 7-11, hijacked a car, and drove to Watertown with the police in pursuit. This resulted in a shootout, in which the brothers, from Chechnya, hurdled a bomb at officers. Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, is at large, his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, was killed last night in a shootout in which the brothers also hurled a bomb at officers. [The Internet]
- That said, there’s not much else to follow in the news right now. We’ve been following The Atlantic Wire’s reporters have been up all night, capturing Google street view shots, scouring Twitter feeds, and the like. They’re one of the better news outlets to follow on this story. [The Atlantic Wire]
- Timeline of the Boston Marathon pursuit. [NowThisIsNews]
- WCVB.com’s (The Boston Channel) wire has continuous live coverage of the lockdown. It’s worth tuning in. [WCVB]
- NPR just interviewed a classmate of the remaining suspect. “This kid is 19 and had a super bowl party this year.” [NPR Radio]
- Pretty much, you can’t leave your house in Boston. Until further updates, the city’s planes have been grounded, public transportation and car traffic halted, and residents told “not to open their door to anyone but identified police officer[s]”. [via @TheMatthewKeys, Wired, and @NickKristof ]
- Everything We Know About The Alleged Boston Bombers. Following all these links should knock at least 15 minutes off your day. [Gawker]
- Reuters Social Media Editor Anthony DeRosa is your must follow on twitter. [Twitter]
- Pete Williams of NBC News is being dubbed the “Reporting Hero” of the Boston Marathon Bombings. If you watch TV NBC is where to go. [Huffpo]
Your Media Guide to the Boston Marathon Bomber Pursuit
by Paddy Johnson Whitney Kimball and Corinna Kirsch on April 19, 2013 Massive Links
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