I Think I'd Prefer David Salle Porn

by Art Fag City on October 31, 2005 Events

Will somebody get me out of this Elizabeth Murray hell, because I’’m not sure I can stand it any more. You can’’t turn anywhere in the city without hearing how great her work is thanks to MOMA, Jerry Saltz, and Edward Winkleman. Has anybody been to Chelsea lately? Whose making work inspired by her (and Stella doesn’’t count because we all know the work that relates to hers sucks ass). I believe I would rather eat my young than look at her paintings, which is truly unfortunate, since I have to post her work below to prove my point.

It’’s too easy to begin with this, but here’s to throwing caution to the wind. Let’s be honest, I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who uses the word herstory. I don’t have a problem with the concept, but I do have a problem with using the worst word play in feminist history to promote it. This is a bad abstract painting which speaks to herstory through it’’s title alone. I really wish we could just retitle this shit “The eighties happened” and be done with it.

Second, Murray is touted for creating a bridge between the 60’s and 70’s formalist pluralist pop concerns and work made in the eighties on. While this may be true, it is a small enough point in history, that she is part of that she will remain a bit player. She didn’t invent cubism, she was an important player for about five years in a transitioning movement in art. Which prompts a big so what from AFC. She’s a blip in art histories time line, and I’d take a lot of things over her work including David Salle porn.

Finally, does anyone use the 23rd and Ely street station, because we all seem to have forgotten about that Elizabeth Murray classic. A little Cock and balls, rain and sunshine for your commute from Ms. Murray. Nothing sends an unwanted wake up call on your way to work better than that masterpiece.

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