Try Finding Some Art

by Art Fag City on May 19, 2006 Events

Flux Factory’s Spring Benefit Bazaar
, 2006
38-38 43rd Street, Long Island City, NY, 11101
Works on Paper
May 20-27
Event Opening: Saturday May 10, 6-10 pm, $2 cover.

Assuming you can find The Flux Factory, this event will be well worth your time. Mapquest this shit because the task of getting there is more difficult than it appears (even taking into account that this advice is coming from the directionally challenged). It is after all located fairly close to Astoria, the neighbourhood that brings us two consecutive intersections of First and First.

Time is short today, so I leave you with only the bare essentials from their press release: It’s a spring benefit, DJ’d event, snacks will be on hand, and there will be tons of drawings, paintings, etc. available for purchase at affordable prices.

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