Red Studio, MoMA Podcasts by Teens

by Art Fag City on February 7, 2007 Posting Notice

Jasper Johns, Flag. 1954—55
Encaustic, oil, and collage on fabric mounted on plywood (three panels)
42 1/4 x 60 5/8″ (107.3 x 154 cm)
The Museum of Modern Art, New York

We’re out for the day, but boy do we have a link for you! Thanks to a tip from an art educator yesterday, I was alerted to Red Studio MoMA, a program for teens now hosting their podcasts about MoMA’s Painting & Sculpture galleries. It’s a project that has the potential to be an utter bore, but I have to say, the kids really pull it off. Their thoughts are better articulated than most adult visitors I over hear in that building, their discussion both insightful and hilarious! I personally recommend Jasper Johns Flag. Podcasters Karina and Alexandra found a choice Johns quote to use in their talk.

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