Printed Matter Benefit Tonight!

by Art Fag City on May 15, 2007 Events


Well, if you were planning on attending the Printed Matter VIP Benefit portion of the evening tomorrow but hadn’t bought your $150 dollar plus ticket, you’re out of luck because they are all sold out.  This means that the rest of us suckers will have to skip the sushi and settle for the 15 buck pass to the after party.  It’s certainly not the end of the world though as the pass gives you the privilege of experiencing host John Waters without the mediation of a camera, as well as music performances by Flaming Fire, Peaches (solo), and DJs MEN (JD Samson and Johanna Fateman of Le Tigre.)   It also gives you full access to a cash bar. Um yay?

* All funds go to support Printed Matter, and our publishing and exhibition programs as well as The NY Art Book Fair.

Event hosted at Hiro Ballroom in The Maritime Hotel. 371 West 16th Street in New York City

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