Ed Halter; The Year in Experimental Cinema

by Art Fag City on January 11, 2008 Events

chelsea Rain
Chelsea rain, Image via Musiquegirl

It’s thundering outside, and the AFC HQ has gotten off to a ridiculously slow start. A number of disgarded posts lay somewhere in the internet ether. Chelsea’s impossible round robin began last night as I passed a crack addict yelling into the streets,

“This woman got away from me the other night. She said Sir, You’ve got roaches crawling off your shoulder.”, he paused, “That should tell you something.”

Who knows what we should all learn from that annecdote — I didn’t stick around to find out. A full write up exhibition openings over the weekend will appear Monday, unfortunately lacking an reports on culture critic Ed Halter’s lecture yesterday at Art in General, or performance artist Sharon Hayes talk at the New Museum. There was simply too much to see yesterday to get to it all.

Oliver Laric
Oliver Laric, Flying Dropkick, 2006

In lieu of a missing write up on Ed Halter’s talk, I link to his summation of great unreviewed experimental cinema works. As far as to do lists go, it’s hard to do much better than his, so I suggest checking it out. Personal favorites include Oliver Laric’s WWF masterpiece Flying DropKick and GrandMaster Flash’s alphebetized lyrics in Message The, and Eddo Stern’s collaged masks made of images created by gamers at Postmasters earlier this year. I too had fully intended to write something about these artists, but time got away from me. Probably my greatest disappointment brought to mind by this list, comes from missing Sadie Benning’s Play Pause at Dia this year. I’ve always been a fan of her narratives. I also missed her concurrent show of paintings at Orchard. My bad.

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