Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on March 19, 2009 Fresh Links!

Rhizome | White Box Testing

Ed Halter Christiane Paul’s collection of essays New Media in the White Cube and Beyond: Curatorial Models for Digital Art. “More striking is the fact that a major aspect of curating never arises: that of taste, one of the most crucial faculties required in a curator. With all the analysis of curator as filter, educator, or collaborator, the job is posed largely as that of a social facilitator whose creative input takes place on the level of new curatorial models — still essentially charged with “taking care” of art as in Coomaraswamy’s day. While this is undoubtedly a key responsibility for curators, one should not downplay the factor of aesthetic judgment necessary for every successful curatorial project. The question of which works of art are chosen for exhibition is at least as important as how we end up experiencing them.”

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