The Art Fag City Media Round-Up

by Art Fag City on March 17, 2010 Events

art fag city, ann liv young
Ann Liv Young, Young Snow White performance. Photo by Nicholas Strini for Time Out NY

Looks like it’s press day here at AFC. Between MSNBC talking to me about foursquare, two articles from The Observer discussing AFC stories, and my front page feature at The L Magazine, New Yorkers will be lucky to go to the bathroom without catching a whiff of me.

Speaking of whiffs, we’ve got to hand it to Pee in the Pan performance artist Ann Liv Young, who told the New York Observer she’s been able to bump her show rates up to $7000 a performance. The article penned by Alexandra Peers recounts Young’s performance at PS1 two weeks ago, which prompted P.S.1 director Klaus Biesenbach to shut the electricity shut off. It also notes her increased visibility since that time and the surrounding controversy. We covered the story here extensively as it first broke.

Meanwhile, Leon Neyfakh discusses the phenomenon that is William Powhida, noting the response to the art world flanner has been mixed.  Based on the comments in AFC’s This Week in Comments: Powhida!, I’d say the current attention is largely positive, though artist Lisa Beck offers a rationed response in The Observer.  “I don't think that the power structure has exactly trembled. ”¦ In fact, I know that some of the figures he makes fun of take delight in being included in his work. It's like being the subject of a roast at Caesar's—a tribute, or mark of their importance.

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