Four Nights of Premieres at the NY Film Festival from the Frontiers of Innovative Cinema (Sept 30-Oct 3)

by Sponsors on September 29, 2010 Sponsor

Views from the Avant-Garde
Sept. 30 — Oct. 3

Presented by Film Society of Lincoln Center & New York Film Festival
Curated by Mark McElhatten and Gavin Smith.
View the entire line up

For its 14th year, Views offers an expanded edition, presenting four nights of New York and world premieres from the frontiers of innovative moving image making. Highlights include Robert Beavers's The Suppliant, James Benning's Ruhr, Nathaniel Dorsky's Pastourelle, a restoration of Manoel de Oliveira's Rite of Spring, and Phil Solomon's three-screen American Falls. Also expect new work by Thom Andersen, Ute Aurand, Stephanie Barber, Mati Diop, David Gatten, Janie Geiser, Lewis Klahr, Dani Leventhal, Jeanne Liotta, Matt McCormick, Tomonari Nishikawa, Michael Robinson, Fern Silva, Deborah Stratman, Peter Tscherkassky and many others, plus nightly special Furman Gallery projection performances by Paul Clipson and Bruce McClure.

Entering its 14th year, Views from the Avant-Garde is an annual celebration under the auspices of the New York Film Festival, screening the best and boldest experimental film and video from around the world.

Keep up-to-date on upcoming avant-garde films from the Film Society of Lincoln Center throughout the year on the the Views from the Avant Garde Facebook Page.

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