Check Out My Fingerbox – Mysterious New 4chan Meme – Urlesque

by Art Fag City on October 22, 2010 Fresh Links!

  • Check Out My Fingerbox – Mysterious New 4chan Meme – Urlesque – Weird. According to urlesque Fluxus artist Ay-O's finger boxes are a growing meme on 4chan. The author's hypothesis on it's development: "Someone found a picture of a box with finger-sized holes in it during a random Google Image Search. The person thought it might be funny to troll 4chan with it, so he posted the image along with a caption like, "Check out my fingerbox. Jealous?" Then dozens of people saw the thread and tried to figure out what it was all about, then they found all of Ay-O's fingerboxes, so they were integrated into the mythology of this troll."

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