Introducing Ikon Review, a Digital Platform Showcasing Croatian Artists

by Sponsors on May 19, 2014 Sponsor

Helena Janecic, “City Gals” (2012), acrylic on canvas, 70.9 x 86.6 in.

Helena Janecic, “City Gals” (2012), acrylic on canvas, 70.9 x 86.6 in.

Ikon Art Foundation is excited to announce the launch of Ikon Review, a digital platform that enables readers to discover the work of emerging, established and iconic artists, designers and filmmakers from Croatia. Selected by our talented creative council, Ikon Review features profiles, interviews, and event information, spotlighting the best Croatian creative work and personalities. Discover your next favorite artist, designer or filmmaker, starting with these three:

  • Helena Janečić:
    Artist Helena Janečić prioritizes the female protagonist, placing women in visual narratives of confidence, self-awareness, and reimagined tradition.
  • Numen / For Use:
    Design collective Numen / For Use realizes spatial design, scenography, and conceptual art projects in cities from Tokyo, Melbourne, and Stockholm.
  • Tomislav Pinter:
    One of Croatia’s most celebrated cinematographers, Pinter has some 10 television series and 90 feature films under his belt, many of which have been named among the best in Croatian cinema.

Stay in touch and sign-up for our monthly newsletter.

About Ikon Arts Foundation
Linda Mateljan and Katarina Milicevic established Ikon Arts Foundation in 2013 with a vision to inspire engagement with Croatian creative culture in the USA. Headquartered in New York City, the organization produces the Ikon Review digital platform, art and design exhibitions, film screenings, and creative marketing projects. Ikon Arts Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt not-for-profit organization.

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