I’ve been showing a lot of love to Boston on AFC lately. As if the chance to see Meleko Mokgosi’s stunning show at the ICA wasn’t enough to inspire a weekend visit, Boston is having a huge outdoor art show on tiny islands in the harbor for the rest of the summer. Tiny islands!
Isles Art Initiative pairs artists with locations on the Boston Harbor Islands, a national park off the city’s coast that’s threatened by sea level rise. Full disclosure: my sister Susan works for the nonprofit Boston Harbor Island Alliance. And she’s awesome. The festival looks like it will be too, featuring performances, site-specific installations, and off-site exhibitions that respond to the context and politics surrounding climate change.
The performance series SEEN/UNSEEN—which comprises a different artist occupying Spectacle Island each Saturday, all day—kicks off tomorrow with Pate Conoway. SEEN/UNSEEN is curated by Alice Vogler and Vela Phelan, the Foster Prize winner who made the trippy/witchy narco-cartel shrine I wrote about last week. So, expect this to be weird. In a good way.
Tomorrow, Cove also opens on Georges Island, a decommissioned military fort from 1861. The show features site specific installations by Elizabeth Alexander, Amy Archambault, Damien Hoar de Galvan, Samantha Fields, Pat Falco, Alex Hamrick, Middle Kingdom, !ND!V!DUALS Collective, Elizabeth Keithline, Megan & Murray McMillan, and Okay Mountain.
There’s plenty of on-shore programming scattered around the city too, including an exhibition of 34 sculptors addressing each of the 34 Harbor Islands in SoWa, the arts district I profiled last week.
This looks like it’s going to be really good. Boston’s only a 3-4 hour train ride from New York, but I feel like the ferry ride is going to be the real highlight of the trip.
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