Dezeen’s Pomo Summer is a season-long celebration of one of the most divisive movements in design history. The blog declares: “Love it or hate it, Postmodernism is back in vogue.”
Today, Postmodernism might bring to mind moody theorists and brooding office buildings with cornices, but it wasn’t always so. A lot of Postmodernism was fun! Just look at the Memphis School. Better yet, look at these GIFs inspired by the Memphis School from Tumblr user WHTEBKGRND.
And let’s be honest, although I’m usually #NoPoMo, even more “serious” practitioners of the movement did have some highlights. Take, for example, Arquitectonica’s (unfortunately) unbuilt 1983 plans for Capital Park West in Houston:
Postmodernism’s trickle-down legacy might’ve resulted in awful things like strip malls that look like old-timey Towne Centres where a Wegmans looks like a church and a Chipotle looks like a barn, but it did great things for contemporary fashion! Even this dude is wearing a fun Postmodern hat:
(This is this a sports thing, right?)
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