
by Art Fag City on June 15, 2007 · 2 comments Events


Perhaps my inclination towards jealousy of any sort results in a complete lack of interest in viewing photographs of people I know in far away places. As a result, you’re not going to see countless pictures of Dubrovnik on this blog, though I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t at least observe that the city is easily the most beautiful place I’ve ever been.  Five million photos taken by the artists in residence document this, and can be seen on Joy Garnett’s flickr stream.

As far as Fine Art goes, the majority I’ve experienced thus far seems to exist within the gallery walls of the AiR program. This isn’t to say that there isn’t art here – in fact Dubrovnik has a reputation for being a cultural hub of sorts – but whatever there is I haven’t encountered yet. A full post on the exhibition will arrive tomorrow once it has opened. In the meantime look forward to upcoming posts about how AiR situates itself in a program that would seem largely for lawyers and activists of free culture, and an interview with Second Life artist Cao Fei!


Tristan Perich June 16, 2007 at 9:21 pm

What a surprise to see this posting! I am an artist living in New York and my father (also an artist, http://www.antonperich.com) is from just south of Dubrovnik and we travel there often. In fact, the reason I’m writing is because last year we tried a little thing where we invited a handful of young artists that we know from Rome to come stay in Mikulici, the town where he was born (population less than 80). We called it the Mikulici Art Academy… it was so idyllic. We probably won’t do it this year, but maybe again next year. Go swing down to Molunat if you want a beautiful place to swim at the very southern tip of Croatia.

Tristan Perich June 16, 2007 at 5:21 pm

What a surprise to see this posting! I am an artist living in New York and my father (also an artist, http://www.antonperich.com) is from just south of Dubrovnik and we travel there often. In fact, the reason I’m writing is because last year we tried a little thing where we invited a handful of young artists that we know from Rome to come stay in Mikulici, the town where he was born (population less than 80). We called it the Mikulici Art Academy… it was so idyllic. We probably won’t do it this year, but maybe again next year. Go swing down to Molunat if you want a beautiful place to swim at the very southern tip of Croatia.

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