ROFL! Recap in Brief

by Art Fag City on July 31, 2007 · 8 comments Events

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Were it not for the fact that I missed the latest and greatest ROFL! event due to an unfortunate run in with some shrimp, you would have certainly already heard that artists John Michael Boling and Javier Morales took first place. I haven’t received a round up of competitors links for the self described Internet Gong show as of yet, but as soon as I do you’ll get the “full story”, (meaning a recap of a competitor play list provided by Joe’s Pub.)

A s a matter of course, I should mention that the video above was played in the second round by Boling and Morales. I would have used their winning pick, Battle of the Super Fags, as a lead, but the file was so large it crashed my computer. As you can imagine, I was horribly crestfallen to find a video with a name so close to our hearts inaccessible to our anemic computer.


Jon Williams August 1, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Am I correct in understanding that video was likely dubbed over a rental tape and returned to a store as the first step in its long journey to ROFL?

Jon Williams August 1, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Am I correct in understanding that video was likely dubbed over a rental tape and returned to a store as the first step in its long journey to ROFL?

Jon Williams August 1, 2007 at 3:05 pm

Am I correct in understanding that video was likely dubbed over a rental tape and returned to a store as the first step in its long journey to ROFL?

Jon Williams August 1, 2007 at 11:05 am

Am I correct in understanding that video was likely dubbed over a rental tape and returned to a store as the first step in its long journey to ROFL?

Art Fag City August 2, 2007 at 4:38 am

I don’t know about that…John Michael told me that Battle of the Super Fags was a tape that Javier inherited in a VHS collection when one of his relatives died. This via email: “It was a low-budget shot on video short movie made by high schoolers in virginia in 1988. we don’t know how his relative got it, but we assume it was at some point in a video rental store”

Art Fag City August 2, 2007 at 4:38 am

I don’t know about that…John Michael told me that Battle of the Super Fags was a tape that Javier inherited in a VHS collection when one of his relatives died. This via email: “It was a low-budget shot on video short movie made by high schoolers in virginia in 1988. we don’t know how his relative got it, but we assume it was at some point in a video rental store”

Art Fag City August 2, 2007 at 4:38 am

I don’t know about that…John Michael told me that Battle of the Super Fags was a tape that Javier inherited in a VHS collection when one of his relatives died. This via email: “It was a low-budget shot on video short movie made by high schoolers in virginia in 1988. we don’t know how his relative got it, but we assume it was at some point in a video rental store”

Art Fag City August 2, 2007 at 12:38 am

I don’t know about that…John Michael told me that Battle of the Super Fags was a tape that Javier inherited in a VHS collection when one of his relatives died. This via email: “It was a low-budget shot on video short movie made by high schoolers in virginia in 1988. we don’t know how his relative got it, but we assume it was at some point in a video rental store”

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