Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on June 26, 2008 · 4 comments Fresh Links!

ArtCal – East Village / Lower East Side – Rivington Arms – There is no there there

What is the big deal about Rivington Arms? Maybe there’s more to this jpg than meets the eye, but I can’t imagine what. I haven’t seen an exhibition there over the last 6 months I’ve liked.


Anon June 27, 2008 at 3:35 am

The owners are hipster royalty, but sadly the artists they pick have yet to demonstrate a bit of staying power. Their better known artists were taken by Javier Peres (Dash Snow & Dan Colen) and they are also of course great at hipness and short on the rest. Weird. The owners are always in the press and all the party pictures…that hasn’t helped…they are better know than their artists…the gallery has been open for a while now, it doesn’t look like their program has grown/matured at all.

Anon June 26, 2008 at 10:35 pm

The owners are hipster royalty, but sadly the artists they pick have yet to demonstrate a bit of staying power. Their better known artists were taken by Javier Peres (Dash Snow & Dan Colen) and they are also of course great at hipness and short on the rest. Weird. The owners are always in the press and all the party pictures…that hasn’t helped…they are better know than their artists…the gallery has been open for a while now, it doesn’t look like their program has grown/matured at all.

Art Fag City June 27, 2008 at 3:52 am

yeah, Mirabelle may never escape her father’s legacy. They are pretty good at talking up the shows. Anytime I’ve asked about a piece they give a great dealer schpiel. They’ve never swayed my opinion for any length of time, but that must help.

Art Fag City June 26, 2008 at 10:52 pm

yeah, Mirabelle may never escape her father’s legacy. They are pretty good at talking up the shows. Anytime I’ve asked about a piece they give a great dealer schpiel. They’ve never swayed my opinion for any length of time, but that must help.

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