Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on May 17, 2010 · 2 comments Fresh Links!

Tyler Green: Modern Art Notes – The new MAN

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tom moody May 17, 2010 at 6:30 pm

Clement Greenberg: early critical advocate for Abstract Expressionism; Rosalind Krauss: wrote “Sculpture in the Expanded Field”; Nicolas Bourriaud: added “relational aesthetics” and “the artist as DJ” to the contemporary art lexicon; Tyler Green: got Grace Glueck fired at the New York Times.

tom moody May 17, 2010 at 2:30 pm

Clement Greenberg: early critical advocate for Abstract Expressionism; Rosalind Krauss: wrote “Sculpture in the Expanded Field”; Nicolas Bourriaud: added “relational aesthetics” and “the artist as DJ” to the contemporary art lexicon; Tyler Green: got Grace Glueck fired at the New York Times.

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