Round 2 results: America’s Favorite Art Museum tourney | Tyler Green: Modern Art Notes |

by Art Fag City on August 2, 2010 · 20 comments Fresh Links!


Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 3:12 am

Paddy insinuates I managed a tourney so NYCers’d lose. 1) Why would I!? 2) Seeders: 2 of 3 = NYCers. I just put seeds in bracket. 2.) Paddy is wrong: Not all the NYC museums lost.

If I’m going to rig something, wouldn’t I rig something less frivolous? Such a nervously parochial New Yorker you are! 😉

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 3:12 am

Paddy insinuates I managed a tourney so NYCers’d lose. 1) Why would I!? 2) Seeders: 2 of 3 = NYCers. I just put seeds in bracket. 2.) Paddy is wrong: Not all the NYC museums lost.

If I’m going to rig something, wouldn’t I rig something less frivolous? Such a nervously parochial New Yorker you are! 😉

Tyler Green August 2, 2010 at 11:12 pm

Paddy insinuates I managed a tourney so NYCers’d lose. 1) Why would I!? 2) Seeders: 2 of 3 = NYCers. I just put seeds in bracket. 2.) Paddy is wrong: Not all the NYC museums lost.

If I’m going to rig something, wouldn’t I rig something less frivolous? Such a nervously parochial New Yorker you are! 😉

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Tyler, you are twisting words. I said the results weren’t credible, not that you manipulated them. The results are not a reflection of reality. I will correct the post so that it indicates that some New York based museums remain (ie the frick)

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 3:08 pm

Tyler, you are twisting words. I said the results weren’t credible, not that you manipulated them. The results are not a reflection of reality. I will correct the post so that it indicates that some New York based museums remain (ie the frick)

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 11:08 am

Tyler, you are twisting words. I said the results weren’t credible, not that you manipulated them. The results are not a reflection of reality. I will correct the post so that it indicates that some New York based museums remain (ie the frick)

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 3:21 pm

I’m amused by this, because Hrag is taking a similar tack: Because something is your “favorite” museum it must be everyone’s? Reminder: The frivolous summer fun is about “favorite museums” not “the biggest one near you that should be everyone’s favorite because it’s big and is in New York.”

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 3:21 pm

I’m amused by this, because Hrag is taking a similar tack: Because something is your “favorite” museum it must be everyone’s? Reminder: The frivolous summer fun is about “favorite museums” not “the biggest one near you that should be everyone’s favorite because it’s big and is in New York.”

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 11:21 am

I’m amused by this, because Hrag is taking a similar tack: Because something is your “favorite” museum it must be everyone’s? Reminder: The frivolous summer fun is about “favorite museums” not “the biggest one near you that should be everyone’s favorite because it’s big and is in New York.”

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 3:48 pm

Yeah, density of population, tourist destinations, and collection size and quality don’t influence what museums Americans visit or enjoy.

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 3:48 pm

Yeah, density of population, tourist destinations, and collection size and quality don’t influence what museums Americans visit or enjoy.

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 11:48 am

Yeah, density of population, tourist destinations, and collection size and quality don’t influence what museums Americans visit or enjoy.

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 3:58 pm


Just because a museum is your favorite doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s favorite. Why do you have so much trouble accepting that people in Toledo really love their art museum, that they have such intensity of passion for the TMA? It doesn’t diminish you, New York or the Met.

Have you been to Toledo or the museum? While I realize you may be complaining from a position of blindness, know that Toledo is one of America’s great art museums. As Christopher Knight noted yesterday, its Rubens altarpiece may be the best in the US. Its great Van Gogh might be too. And so on. The place is avant-garde enough to have commissioned SANAA’s first — and still best — American building. Toledo is legit in terms of collection-quality and institutional integrity.

In yesterday’s post I tried to give readers a sense of what the TMA means to its community. Obviously the passion for and intensity of feeling for that museum is greater in Toledo than, New Yorkers feel for, say, the Met or MoMA. (Nevermind a silly summer poll; attendance and membership numbers prove that.) That’s a success for people who love art, something to be celebrated.

Other cities having great art museums — and caring passionately about them — doesn’t lessen Gotham, or vice versa. But it’s interesting that when I point out that there is great art and that there are great art institutions outside NYC, the parochialism and provincialism arises not from those Second and Third and Fourth Cities, but from New York.

Tyler Green August 3, 2010 at 11:58 am


Just because a museum is your favorite doesn’t mean it’s everyone’s favorite. Why do you have so much trouble accepting that people in Toledo really love their art museum, that they have such intensity of passion for the TMA? It doesn’t diminish you, New York or the Met.

Have you been to Toledo or the museum? While I realize you may be complaining from a position of blindness, know that Toledo is one of America’s great art museums. As Christopher Knight noted yesterday, its Rubens altarpiece may be the best in the US. Its great Van Gogh might be too. And so on. The place is avant-garde enough to have commissioned SANAA’s first — and still best — American building. Toledo is legit in terms of collection-quality and institutional integrity.

In yesterday’s post I tried to give readers a sense of what the TMA means to its community. Obviously the passion for and intensity of feeling for that museum is greater in Toledo than, New Yorkers feel for, say, the Met or MoMA. (Nevermind a silly summer poll; attendance and membership numbers prove that.) That’s a success for people who love art, something to be celebrated.

Other cities having great art museums — and caring passionately about them — doesn’t lessen Gotham, or vice versa. But it’s interesting that when I point out that there is great art and that there are great art institutions outside NYC, the parochialism and provincialism arises not from those Second and Third and Fourth Cities, but from New York.

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 10:05 pm

You said yourself Toledo uses self-reported attendance numbers. But whatever. I’m just not convinced an online poll run on a blog known for offering opinions on museum politics can provide any kind of meaningful results. End of story.

As for the New York provincialism — sure it exists — but it would be nice to see it discussed in a more substantial way than “whining New Yorkers”. I see far too much finger pointing coming from MAN in this respect, and none of the hard intellectual work that would need to be done around how this phenomenon really shapes how art is made and received. This is a worth while project and one I would want to participate in, but a poll isn’t going to get to the bottom of this. Nor I might add, are the faux-hurt comments suggesting it was jealousy that prompted my skepticism. This is false narrative I want no part of.

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 10:05 pm

You said yourself Toledo uses self-reported attendance numbers. But whatever. I’m just not convinced an online poll run on a blog known for offering opinions on museum politics can provide any kind of meaningful results. End of story.

As for the New York provincialism — sure it exists — but it would be nice to see it discussed in a more substantial way than “whining New Yorkers”. I see far too much finger pointing coming from MAN in this respect, and none of the hard intellectual work that would need to be done around how this phenomenon really shapes how art is made and received. This is a worth while project and one I would want to participate in, but a poll isn’t going to get to the bottom of this. Nor I might add, are the faux-hurt comments suggesting it was jealousy that prompted my skepticism. This is false narrative I want no part of.

Art Fag City August 3, 2010 at 6:05 pm

You said yourself Toledo uses self-reported attendance numbers. But whatever. I’m just not convinced an online poll run on a blog known for offering opinions on museum politics can provide any kind of meaningful results. End of story.

As for the New York provincialism — sure it exists — but it would be nice to see it discussed in a more substantial way than “whining New Yorkers”. I see far too much finger pointing coming from MAN in this respect, and none of the hard intellectual work that would need to be done around how this phenomenon really shapes how art is made and received. This is a worth while project and one I would want to participate in, but a poll isn’t going to get to the bottom of this. Nor I might add, are the faux-hurt comments suggesting it was jealousy that prompted my skepticism. This is false narrative I want no part of.

LAURIE,ELISE GARVIN August 8, 2010 at 6:03 pm

Compares to meuseums in Europe as well as NYC, I love and miss TMA

LAURIE,ELISE GARVIN August 8, 2010 at 10:03 pm

Compares to meuseums in Europe as well as NYC, I love and miss TMA

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