William Wegman to Release New Puppy Book for Kids

by Paddy Johnson on September 12, 2013 Newswire

William Wegman got abused a lot during my days in grad school. It was 1999, which was just after Wegman’s run of children’s lit—dogs dressed up as Mother Goose (1996), Little Red Riding Hood (1994) and even Cinderella (1993) and none it had the clever transformative qualities of, say, his belly videos.

It’s good to see all that taunting’s gone unheeded. Now, Wegman is releasing his first children’s book since the 1990’s, Flo & Wendell, and will teach kids about the friendship between two of his puppies. And since friendship, puppies and kids trump poor decisions like PAINTING OVER HIS PUPPIES AND TURNING THEM INTO PEOPLE, we’ll put a happy face on the September 26th release of his book.

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