Cooper Union Is Definitely Charging Tuition

by Corinna Kirsch on January 14, 2014 · 1 comment Newswire


The Cooper Union Board of Trustees has voted to go forth with charging tuition. But some of us, like @billyblaha still have questions about this decision, just the latest in the prolonged battle to keep Cooper Union free.

Which students will be affected by the tuition hike?

All incoming students. Current students will escape payment.

When will it start?

Fall 2014.

Why did this happen?

On January 10, 2014, the Cooper Union Board of Trustees voted down a proposal offering cost-saving measures like event rental, early retirement incentives, and a reduction in the president’s compensation, all in order to avoid charging tuition. The vote wasn’t even close.

What does this mean?

This means that the world will soon look different, with Cooper Union graduates soon enduring the world of insurmountable student-loan debt and penny-pinched pockets, just like the rest of us.

And @billyblaha, we wish you the best of luck.


{ 1 comment }

damien January 15, 2014 at 4:25 pm

What kinds of data can the student population begin to collect to better arm themselves for the fight moving forward? I’m sure the shifts in statistics (income levels of students, representation of race on campus, etc.) could help support the argument for why free tuition is necessary from a social standpoint. Granted it may take several years to gather this kind of data, but it seems that in the case of Cooper Union, we are talking about a marathon, and not a sprint…

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