Dappledoze August 27, 2014 at 12:34 pm

hilarious. “He rose to dissipate the horrible spell of this vision and, returning to reality, began to be concerned with the tortoise.

“It did not budge at all and he tapped it. The animal was dead. Doubtless accustomed to a sedentary existence, to a humble life spent underneath its poor shell, it had been unable to support the dazzling luxury imposed on it, the rutilant cope with which it had been covered, the jewels with which its back had been paved, like a pyx.”

Paddy Johnson August 27, 2014 at 12:38 pm

My thoughts exactly. I wrote this a while ago on Against the Grain. http://www.thelmagazine.com/newyork/the-rich-are-different-they-own-more-art/Content?oid=2233643

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