Make a $10,000 GIF for Giphy

by Whitney Kimball on October 22, 2014 GIF + Opportunities

"See money raining down on me" from

“See money raining down on me” from

“GIF of the Day” fans, artists, readers: a gift to you. Giphy is holding a $10,000 contest to make a digital sticker. The sticker doesn’t even have to be animated, and it can just be something you made that’s lying around from years past. By sticker, I’m pretty sure they just mean an animated GIF or a picture. It will not stick to things. This is likely the largest sum of money any individual will stand to make off a GIF in 2014.

Needless to say, go plug in that external hard drive and start rooting through everything you’ve ever made. The top 20 finalists will receive a Cintiq Touch (the nicest Wacom tablet ever). The catch is that the top 10 finalists will be asked to make a “sticker pack” for the LINE Messaging App; the people at LINE will be judging 50% of the contest, so make this shit marketable.

The Grand Prize winner receives $10,000.

Submit by next week to


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