Call for Entries: This Piece of Crappy Paper Could Have Your Name on It

by Michael Anthony Farley on May 7, 2015 Call for Submissions


If you’ve ever fantasized about snatching art off the wall and walking out of a gallery, now is your chance. Paper Pirates, which describes itself as “a guerilla photography exhibition”, is coming to New York. Participants are invited to print out up to four images on any paper size A3 or larger, write their name and contact information on the back, and mail them to the organizers. Crappy paper is encouraged. The photographs are then displayed for a one-night exhibition/party, at the end of which attendees can grab whatever photos they like off the wall to keep.

The project started in Auckland, New Zealand in 2012 and has since travelled to Tokyo. Their upcoming New York night (a date and location has not been announced, but submission are due by June 6th) marks their American debut.

It’s a fun idea, but like all participatory endeavors, the end result will depend very much on who decides to contribute. Who knows? You might end up with a free masterpiece, or at least a new pen pal in New Zealand.

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