strunken white June 12, 2015 at 2:17 pm

With all of the excited articles pouring in about the Garage Museum, none of them seem to note that Dasha Zhukova’s husband (the 12th richest man in Russia, according to wikipedia) is very, very involved with Vladimir Putin and his government. The stated “changing attitude toward contemporary art” is utterly apolitical jargon. She should be understood as the ventriloquist dummy of a government that’ll detain you for doing a lame performance with a sewing machine or put you in jail for dancing to rock music.

How are these articles more or less than western journalism and art criticism doing PR work for a corrupt, incestuous and oppressive regime?

Michael Farley June 12, 2015 at 4:52 pm

Thanks for bringing that up. I had no clue about Dasha Zhukova, but I guess we should all assume that anyone with influence in Putin’s Russia is somehow in bed with him. Did you see that we covered Nadya Tolokonnikova’s ordeal today too? http://artfcity.com/2015/06/12/today-pussy-riots-nadya-tolokonnikova-was-detained-by-police-for-performance/

strunken white June 12, 2015 at 4:59 pm

Yeah and I appreciate that. I think coverage of the museum and her being detained belong in the same sentence.

karlo yoni June 12, 2015 at 3:49 pm

could you maybe tone down the porn on this site? every day theres something overly sexual and its fairly disruptive as i am using this website as part of my classroom materials (11th grade)

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