Jess MacCormack (Jess Mac), has GIFs all over PaperMag right now. The company published a profile on the artist’s protest GIFs a few days ago—Mac is a bit skeptical of the good fortune Donald Trump claims he’ll bring to America. Count us in on that.
The profile showcases seven GIFs from the artist’s portfolio, ranging statements on immigration and identity politics to Obama’s tears. All them are worth a look, but given today’s news we’re featuring a different GIF—”everything will be ok” built from SOS signs. Ok is recessed a little, as if it could drop off at some any point. This seems about right to me, because though I’m pretty sure that everything won’t be okay, I know it will at least “be”. That’s not exactly solace, but it’s the truth. There’s so little of that going around these days, that I find the thought comforting.
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