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Corinna Kirsch and Anastasia Tuazon

Documenta 14: Learning From Athens, Learning From Crisis

by Corinna Kirsch and Anastasia Tuazon on June 9, 2017
Thumbnail image for Documenta 14: Learning From Athens, Learning From Crisis

You don’t need to go to Kassel, Germany to know that the world seems on shaky ground. But this year’s documenta exhibition, “Learning From Athens,” nails home that idea, nonetheless. That’s quite intentional, given that documenta 14 artistic director Adam Szymczyk, along with a team of more than a dozen curators, chose to stake out a markedly “political” point of view. Though the word “political” can refer to pretty much anything or nothing when it comes to curation, Szymczyk and team have carved out a specific focus: the local is the global. And right now, documenta envisions that the world is in need of being rebuilt entirely—from the ground up.

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