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(e)merge and The Washington/Baltimore Divide

by Paddy Johnson on October 5, 2012
Thumbnail image for (e)merge and The Washington/Baltimore Divide

“This fair isn’t about making money” (e)merge art fair co-owner Helen Allen told me last night. According to Allen, it’s more about building community, a point evident in the attendees. Walking through the halls of the Capital Skyline Hotel in Washington took several hours last night, as everyone seemed to know everyone. (e)merge is the definition of a community-based fair.

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Highlight’s from Washington DC’s (e)merge Art Fair

by Paddy Johnson on September 23, 2011
Thumbnail image for Highlight’s from Washington DC’s (e)merge Art Fair

An event that attracts the majority of a field’s local participants should — at least on that level — be recognized for its success. The art however, could use some help.

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