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Mary Ellen Mark

MATTE: Mossless Magazine’s America

by Matthew Leifheit on December 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for MATTE: Mossless Magazine’s America

MATTE Magazine talks with Romke Hoogwaerts and Grace Leigh of Mossless Magazine about their forthcoming third issue, which looks at documentary photography in the U.S. during the last ten years.

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Work of Art Episode One: Kitsch or Ditch

by Paddy Johnson on October 13, 2011
Thumbnail image for Work of Art Episode One: Kitsch or Ditch

Is there anything Bravo could possible do to improve upon Work of Art’s premier season? The mind reals with that thought, but if the first episode is any indication (and it almost never is), Bravo’s challenges may exhibit a little more ingenuity than the previous season. This week’s challenge, transform a “bad” work of art, already raises the bar compared to last year’s middle school portrait assignment. Contestants were invited to chose a work from a room filled with kitschy art, and somehow a ceramic teddy remained on its pedestal. The closing shot for the scene zooms in on the teddy while ominous music plays overhead. Hilarious.

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