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Monica Mirabile

L.A. Art Diary: Week Three

by Michael Anthony Farley on July 13, 2017
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In which Michael Anthony Farley visits an artist residency in a 1939 modernist apartment building, gets lost on his way to a craft fair for witches, dances in a feminist rap video, and tries yoga for the first time.

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This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Use Your Sick Days Wisely

by Michael Anthony Farley on March 27, 2017
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There’s plenty of good stuff to do this week, starting with a Felix Gonzalez-Torres book launch reception at the Whitney Monday night. Carla Gannis has a book launch of her own Tuesday night at the Pratt library, including augmented-reality elements. The rest of the week is dominated by painting and digital art—exemplified by Michael William’s solo show of digitally-produced paintings at Gladstone and Jason Lahr’s digitally-informed paintings at the Painting Center, both of which open Thursday night. For digital purists, check out Low Res: Spatial Politics in the Cloud at NARS Foundation’s Sunset Park digs Friday night. For painting purists, catch Rebecca Leveille’s brushy portraits at Site:Brooklyn. Fans of both media will be relieved to note they’re but a few subway stops away. End the week with FIN’s ICE PIX album release party on Sunday in Bushwick, which features performances from rising stars such as FlucT and Raul de Nieves. Your Monday hangover will be so worth it.

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Slideshow: Zona MACO, The Art Fair Where Commerce and Politics Make Strange Bedfellows

by Michael Anthony Farley on February 9, 2017
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Last year, I remarked that Zona MACO excels at being an “average” art fair.

I stand by that opinion this year, with the clarification that it feels a bit like the average of many art fairs: a bit of NADA, a big dollop of Design Miami, a dose of Basel, and flavors of Frieze. That makes sense, as it’s by far Latin America’s largest and most important art fair—many of the curated identities of fairs in hyper-saturated US markets come from necessity of branding when there’s competition.

And like I said last year, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Though this year, due to some floor plan rearrangements and somewhat less cohesive booths, the curated sections Zona MACO Sur and Nuevas Propuestas felt a bit underwhelming. That might also owe to (what seemed like) an increase in advertisers’ kiosks and design, publication, and food vendors, comparatively.

The good news: the quality of work in the General Section improved tremendously. Sure, there were many repeat, predictable artist, but the recent political turns in both Mexico and the United States haven’t gone unnoticed in the art world, thankfully. Scattered among the rows of polite abstraction, there was plenty of outright political work, particularly when compared to the December fairs in Miami.

Below, a sampling of the what’s on view, beginning with some of the more overtly political works.

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This Week’s Must-See Art Events: Long Island Eclipses Manhattan

by Michael Anthony Farley and Corinna Kirsch on August 23, 2016
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For years, people who make proclamations about “something being the new something” have said “Brooklyn is the new Manhattan.” Apparently that means it’s now also totally boring in August? New York’s two most over-exposed boroughs are having a slow week, with just a smattering of art events (but we are thrilled Vector Gallery is making a triumphant return to Manhattan Thursday night.) Brooklyn has a Wednesday night performance at The Park Church Co-op and a screening of the 1977 feminist classic Riddles of the Sphinx to look forward to Thursday, but really it’s the rest of Long Island that sees the most action.

LIC will be art-star-studded Thursday night for MoMA PS1’s Night At the Museum closing party. Then, the party moves out to Fire Island for BOFFO’s performance festival. All weekend, look forward to genre-bending work across the swirly disciplines of drag, dance, music, and fashion from artists such as FLUCT, SSION, M. Lamar, Pearl, and more. Seriously, we can’t recommend a trip to the beach more—there’s practically nothing to do in the city’s art scene this weekend and the Fire Island fest looks like it’s going to go be remembered as a total “had to be there”.

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This Week’s Must-see Art Events: We Hope You Aren’t Allergic to Latex

by Michael Anthony Farley and Rea McNamara on August 17, 2015
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Breaking news: it’s still August in New York. That means many galleries on hiatus, a great exodus of the wealthy to summer homes, and a boring sticky time for the rest of us. Or does it? Apparently all the queers, weirdos, and feminists are back from P-Town and Fire Island and ready to bring you a week of events that may be sticky but promise to be anything but boring. From sex workers’ narratives and pop-up Marxist sex shops to gender-bending masks and DIY sex toys, New York City is getting kinky this week. Fittingly, this is also your last chance to see Tom of Finland: The Pleasure of Play at Artists Space. While the norms are away, the queers shall play. Seriously, we hope you aren’t allergic to latex.

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One More Thing About Miami: Bushwick Goes Basel

by Matthew Leifheit and Michael Farley on December 10, 2013
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AFC’s Matthew Leifheit and Baltimore City Paper writer (and AFC friend) Michael Farley give you some highlights of Bushwick Gone Basel, a one-night only fair alternative held inside the CuCu’s Nest, a Miami Beach dive bar. In three words: Jaimie Warren RULES.

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