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Sarah Eliassen

Mass Distractions & Cultural Decay at Mason Gross Galleries

by Paddy Johnson on October 21, 2011
Thumbnail image for Mass Distractions & Cultural Decay at Mason Gross Galleries

It’s not too often I have a chance to post about my alma mater at Rutgers, but it’s always nice to be able to tout a moment when they make me proud. Mass Distractions & Cultural Decay at Mason Gross Galleries is one such instance. A politically-themed exhibition about how information is disseminated through artistic practice, the show looks back at one revolution’s children, and forward at another. How has television, magazines, and radio informed the art making practices of artists in second half of the twentieth century? How does the Internet, social media and other digital technologies informed the art practices of today?

Based on a combination of personal recommendations, and compelling images and press release, I’ll be trekking down to New Brunswick, New Jersey this weekend to find out. There’s not much time — the show closes October 22nd — and includes artists such as Clifford Owens, Marc Handelman, Martha Rosler and Ardele Lister. I recommend that anyone else who can do the same. Some images and press release excerpts after the jump.

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