strunken white October 15, 2014 at 10:52 am

It does get pretty tiresome every time the topic of “post-internet” comes up and Olson has to claim it… seems like the conversation around it isn’t served by a gatekeeper… but the Moholy-Nagy anecdote may also be questionable: http://greg.org/archive/2012/06/20/rethinking_telephony_from_moholy-nagy_or_rtfm.html

I was curious: in the light of his “old man yelling at clouds” moment not too long ago (“Why I Hate Post-Internet Art”), did ArtFCity reach out to Droitcour?

Paddy Johnson October 15, 2014 at 11:12 am

What a great post by Greg. I hadn’t seen that.

We linked to Droitcour’s post and read through the comments. I haven’t spoken with him about what he wrote, but that would be weird. He trolled the blog for years. It’s only been this year that he seems to have eased up. No idea why.

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