Jeff Koons Public Sculpture Declared a Breadcrumb to Porn

by Paddy Johnson on March 10, 2015 · 1 comment Newswire


The Sacramento public art debate is getting craaaazy. Tonight, Sacramento’s city council will vote on whether to approve an 8 million dollar Jeff Koons sculpture for the new Kings arena. Some local artists are pissed. Why not commission a local artist? News 10 lets the public debate roar:

Marco Fuoco, a local artist, lodges the argument that art made by residents would help kids learn the Pacific Ocean’s name, and that the Koons sculpture would act as a breadcrumb to his pornographic work, thereby exposing curious kids to unseemly material. “Did you know he did porn and did it art,” declares Fuoco.

On the other side, we have David Sobon, a local auctioneer who believes the sculpture will bring in millions of tourist dollars because travelers from all over the world will come to the city just to see this work of public art. “People will spend money on local artists,” Sobon concludes without offering any evidence.

The debate goes on from there, but perhaps the best comes last, when Fuoco belts out his closing argument. “The best art in America comes from a person’s heart! The best art in America makes our kids better and does not pervert them…our mayor will not stand next to all this guys work and pose with it!”

I guess we’ll find out whether Fuoco’s right tonight.

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