Win a Private Consultation With El Museo del Barrio Curator + Two Tickets to Our Benefit

by Paddy Johnson on February 26, 2016 Newswire

An image from Moving Image New York

An image from Moving Image New York

Next week is all but guaranteed to be a shit show, so advanced calendar management is pretty much imperative. But of the five million art fairs, panel discussions, museum openings and parties to go to, what should you attend?

Let me start with what I’m not going to attend: a panel discussion. Every year, the fairs trot out discussions — usually about collecting, museum building, or collection management — that offer an artist the square root of zero in terms of practical work advice. This is why I’ll be attending and participating in an event that actually provides a tangible benefit: 2nd Opinion at the Moving Image Art Fair.

2nd Opinion is an open call for artists working in film and video art to receive 15-minute one-on-one consultations with current and former members of the fair’s Curatorial Advisory Committee alongside other moving image art professionals. It’s like speed dating, but with key art world decision makers. You want your work to be seen by these people. The list includes: Rocio Aranda-Alvarado (Curator, El Museo del Barrio), Sherry Ridlon Dobbin (Director of Public Art at Times Square Alliance), Kelani Nichole (Owner and Director of TRANSFER Gallery), Roddy Schrock (Director of Eyebeam), and Leslie Thornton (Artist).

I’ve agreed to be the day’s master of ceremonies, which means I’ll be introducing the consultants, keeping an eye on the clock to make sure everyone stays on schedule, and awarding two lucky artists two tickets to the Art F City SPRNG BRK benefit on March 15th. Those winners will be able to hobnob with some of the art world’s most exciting artists —like Jaimie Warren and William Powhida—as well as being about to see our “Best Man Boob” competition up close!

So, how do artists get a chance at these consultations and the set of tickets?  Each artist will be selected and matched randomly to our volunteer consultants from a fishbowl of names collected at the fair’s Opening Reception on March 3rd from 6-8 PM. To be eligible for the random selection, you, or a friend of yours, must enter your name and email address (legibly) at the opening reception (which is free to the public). Then, at the event, artists must somehow find a way to make an impression on me. The two most successful artists at this will win the tickets and a night full of man boobs and rum. (And don’t worry — it’s a week after the Armory madness, and we definitely promise no panel discussions.)

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