NSFW GIF of the Hump Day: Faith Holland

by Art Fag City on April 20, 2016 GIF of the Day + NSFW GIF of the Hump-Day


Some curatorial statements are more clear than others. Based on the one curator Osman Can Yerebakan produced for the exhibition “Night’s Days” at AC Institute, we’re not sure what the show is supposed to be about. Judging by the content, I’d guess it has something to do with technology and what people do at night. A lot of fuck. As it happens, fucking and technology is the focus of Faith Holland’s work, so she’s a natural fit for the show. A few GIFs below.

Faith Holland, Sticky Keyboard (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, Sticky Keyboard (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, dickpic (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, dickpic (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, Anal Mouse Romance (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, Anal Mouse Romance (from Dirty Blingees series), 2015, Animated GIF

 Faith Holland, Ookie GIF (from Ookie Canvas series), 2015, Animated GIF

Faith Holland, Ookie GIF (from Ookie Canvas series), 2015, Animated GIF

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