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Art Collective MTAA Tops iCommons Exhibition Review!

by Art Fag City on June 17, 2007

My full review of the icommons Artist in Residence exhibition can be found on the icommons site now. I have taken the liberty of sampling a larger portion of the text than I usually do, for no other reason really than to give readers the opportunity to read a little more meat on this site […]

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Art Fag City at iCommons: Art Intercom Features Painter Joy Garnett

by Art Fag City on May 11, 2007

New York based artist and blogger Joy Garnett frequently uses images depicting natural and technological disasters she finds on the web as a starting point for her paintings. However, the real objective of her work is not to make political commentary, but to reveal the malleability of meaning within these images.

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Art Intercom: An Interview Series with the iCommons Artists in Residence. Featuring Art Collective MTAA (Part Two of Two)

by Art Fag City on May 8, 2007

Part two of my interview series is now up on the icommons blog. The teaser immediately follows below with a link to the full interview. The following is the second post in a two part interview with conceptual art collective MTAA. I discuss specific works and what the collective has planned for the iCommons Summit. […]

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Art Fag City at iCommons: Art Intercom: An Interview Series with the iCommons Artists in Residence. Featuring Art Collective MTAA (Part One of Two)

by Art Fag City on May 5, 2007

The first part of my interview with artist collective MTAA is up on the iCommons blog. I’ve posted a teaser below, but as always, click through to read the whole piece. Art Intercom is a six part series conducted by Art Fag City blogger Paddy Johnson, who will be interviewing the iCommons Summit Artists in […]

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AFC Contributors

by Art Fag City on June 21, 2010

Editorial Director: Paddy Johnson Paddy Johnson is the founding editor of Art Fag City. In addition to her work on the blog, she has been published in New York Magazine,, Art in America, The Daily, Print Magazine,Time Out NY, The Reeler, The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, The Guardian, and New York Press, and linked to by publications such as The New York Times, The Wall […]

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Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on February 21, 2008

YES & NO by MTAA Related to the new piece: “When we talk about online art practices and someone asks, ‘What is your art about in one sentence?’ the answer is that our art is about communication. There’s always a dialog or a conversation…” M.River tells me last year in an interview for icommons.

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No Photo: A Discussion on Museum Photo Policies

by Art Fag City on January 25, 2008

For those who find tourists roaming around museums with their cameras obnoxious, complaints about restrictive museum photo policies by bloggers and open source freaks may not illicit much sympathy. Even I get annoyed by the constant accidental flashes and elbowing in the name of average photographs, and Art Fag City can only benefit from laxer […]

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Fresh Links!

by Art Fag City on November 30, 2007 – Warhol is turning in his grave “It seems every square centimetre of the National Portrait Gallery is under some form of copyright. I wasn’t even allowed to photograph the “No Photographs” sign. A member of staff explained that the typography and layout of the signs was itself copyrighted” Cory Doctorow on Pop Art […]

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i-commons Auction Starts Today

by Art Fag City on November 19, 2007

iCommons an organization seeking to promote and encourage access to knowledge, free software, open access publishing, and free culture communities around the world hosts a fund raising auction that starts today. From their website: The iCommons Auction runs from 19 November to 14 December, 2007. This is an innovative auction of paraphernalia from some of […]

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