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Preview the Second Avenue Subway’s (Surprisingly Not Bad) Art

by Michael Anthony Farley on December 22, 2016
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Fingers-crossed, the long-overdue Second Avenue Subway will open on New Years Day. But we can preview the city’s newest public artworks—from Chuck Close, Vik Muniz, Sara Sze, and Jean Shin—thanks to photos from inside the construction site.
So far, the work looks better than one would expect…

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In Review: American Realness at the Abrons Art Center

by Paddy Johnson on January 22, 2016
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Once a year “American Realness” takes over the Abrons Art Center to present two weeks of new and experimental dance-cum-performance. Last year, the pervasive theme running through the festival told a story of survival. It’s hard out there for an artist. This year, curator Ben Pryor assembled a group of performances focused on identity and institutional critique with a bit of self-reflexive formalism thrown in.

I saw too many performances to review, so what follows is a brief recap of my viewing, along with a few thoughts and reflections.

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A Quiet Opening VIP Preview for EXPO

by Paddy Johnson on September 18, 2015
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CHICAGO- At around 3 PM yesterday, the EXPO VIP preview looked like a blank canvas. For nearly three hours, few collectors had circulated about the fair, a surprise given that there were over 60 new galleries on the fair roster. Those included heavy hitters like Pace, Salon 94, and Steve Turner. Dealers were getting anxious.

By 6PM the visitor numbers had changed. The Museum of Contemporary Art Patron Reception was packed with collectors indulging in small plate food and drinks despite the storm warnings in effect.

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If a Tree Falls in the Forest and There’s No New York Art Critic to Review it, No One Cares

by Paddy Johnson on August 27, 2015
Thumbnail image for If a Tree Falls in the Forest and There’s No New York Art Critic to Review it, No One Cares

I like looking. It’s why I write at Art F City, and why, every summer, I chose to vacation in the wilderness. I don’t want to stop looking, but I need a break from the rest of the job.

Spending a bunch of time on a trail makes that easy. This year, I spent part of my vacation at Cape Breton Highlands National Park in Nova Scotia. One of the best qualities of visiting a national park: admission doesn’t come with a press release telling you what to think about your experience and why it’s important to humanity. Nobody expects visitors to theorize their experience in the woods or even reflect on it. The job is just to enjoy it. (Which I did.)

More after the jump.

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A Gallery Based on Facebook Hosts Fake Yelp Reviews of a Real-ish Bar

by Michael Anthony Farley on May 6, 2015
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Papa John’s Projects infiltrates Facebook with web-based art shows. A recent project by Meghan Gordon offers a surreal retrospective of SOME TIMES, an itinerant bar that pops-up across Los Angeles.

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AFC Road Trip: Reviews From Atlanta to Abu Dhabi

by The AFC Staff on December 2, 2014
Thumbnail image for AFC Road Trip: Reviews From Atlanta to Abu Dhabi

We recommend the wings on salad.

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