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We Went to Mexico: General Idea at Museo Jumex Restored Our Faith in Art For Fuck’s Sake

by Michael Anthony Farley and Molly Rhinestones on February 8, 2017
Thumbnail image for We Went to Mexico: General Idea at Museo Jumex Restored Our Faith in Art For Fuck’s Sake

What’s On View: A retrospective of the Canadian Collective, General Idea (comprised of artists AA Bronson, Felix Partz, and Jorge Zontal.) A collection of works spanning two floors of the museum arranged semi-chronologically from their 25-year-long career in a vast array of formats including installations, video art, painting, publications, and performance.
Molly:I feel like I hit every point on my emotional spectrum walking through the retrospective…
Michael:this is the exhibition so many artists in our generation need to see right now. Over the past few months, there’s been all this self-doubt about the role of artists in times of crisis and whether or not an “art practice” is worthwhile…

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Vanessa Beecroft Continues to Prove She Doesn’t Deserve Comparison With Rachel Dolezal

by Michael Anthony Farley and Corinna Kirsch on August 9, 2016
Thumbnail image for Vanessa Beecroft Continues to Prove She Doesn’t Deserve Comparison With Rachel Dolezal

We were going to write a blog post titled “Vanessa Beecroft is the Rachel Dolezal of the Art World” and then realized what an unfair comparison that is. Beecroft’s appropriations of blackness are so, so much worse. This is not a post about stupid things someone has said once, twice, or in the case of Beecroft, many, many times. This is a post about how systemic racism cannot be wished away: “If I don’t call myself white, maybe I am not,” says Beecroft in “The Bodies Artist,” a profile published online today on the Cut.

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The AFC Summer Guide to Grants & Residencies You Should Apply For Now

by Michael Anthony Farley on July 27, 2016
Thumbnail image for The AFC Summer Guide to Grants & Residencies You Should Apply For Now

Yes, it is Summer, and none of us feel like moving. Thankfully, the heatwave makes a great excuse to stay inside and catch up on applications to grants, residencies, and fellowships for individual artists, curators, and critics. I rounded up some of the most promising with upcoming deadlines—organized by due date to keep your procrastination in check.

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An Incomplete History: Looking Back at Rhizome’s Professional Surfer

by Paddy Johnson on September 4, 2015
Thumbnail image for An Incomplete History: Looking Back at Rhizome’s Professional Surfer

In 2006, Rhizome’s “Professional Surfer” felt like an important show. Surfing informed the practice of most artists I knew, and seemingly countless artist run blogs existed for the sole purpose of collecting weird shit. This included material like an animated GIF of a flag made in ASCII, MS Paint software instructions, and the largest camera lens you’ve ever seen. It was fun to watch and those with a knack for finding the obscure and truly bizarre were followed religiously.

The online exhibition describes itself as a show that “considers web browsing, aka ‘surfing’ as an art form.” Practically speaking, that meant presenting six websites by artists including Olia Lialina’s Pages in the Middle of Nowhere, Travis Hallenbeck’s Cosmic Disciple, Joel Holmberg’s Chillshesh, John Michael Boling’s 53o’s, and the group blogs Supercentral and Nasty Nets. Each present, combine or recontextualize found material from the web.

Nearly ten years later, we’re still remixing, blogging and collaging material, only we’ve moved to different platforms. Which begs the question: Given the relevance of “Professional Surfer” to today’s online culture, does it hold up as an exhibition and a historical document?

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Everyone Is a Hacker: NEW INC x Deep Lab

by Corinna Kirsch on May 29, 2015
Thumbnail image for Everyone Is a Hacker: NEW INC x Deep Lab

Live-blogging Friday’s workshops at NEW INC, part of the New Museum’s IDEAS CITY festival.

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We Went to the LES: Neil Goldberg at PARTICIPANT INC

by Paddy Johnson and Corinna Kirsch on April 30, 2015
Thumbnail image for We Went to the LES: Neil Goldberg at PARTICIPANT INC

I don’t know how much thought about this is really warranted though. I mean, what is there to say about the relationship of dog-shit commerce to microphone butt-fucking?

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