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by Art Fag City on August 3, 2007

Cao Fei/China Tracy, i-mirror 2, Screengrab AFC My interview with video artist Cao Fei is up on the icommons blog.  I’ve pasted a large portion of it below, but to read the full text you’ll need to click through. **************** A veteran documentarian at only 29, artist Cao Fei continuously blends the line between fantasy […]

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Institutional Support for Web Critics

by Art Fag City on July 12, 2007

For all the complaining I do about the lack of support from institutions and alternative spaces for web critics, I should probably let it be known that the state of affairs might not be as bad as I make it out to be, particularly because I’ve received a lot of it lately. A special thanks […]

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Hello Redesign!

by Art Fag City on June 21, 2007

Image via Fiona Gardner Sorry for the late start today, but as you can see we’ve been very busy over here. As promised, we’ve been working on a few design changes around here that we think will make our life and yours a little easier. First of all, observe our new Fresh Links column. We […]

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Defining Moments at the Artist in Residence Panel

by Art Fag City on June 19, 2007

I published a few final thoughts on the conference and the AiR panel discussion, which appear on the site here. It seems the location might be a little hard to find however without this direct link, so I’ve simply reblogged the entire piece and added t.whid’s comments (all the images appear on the icommons site […]

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No Longer Breaking: Tim Whidden Buys His Own Art!

by Art Fag City on June 19, 2007

Ready to read some old news? This Sunday past Tim Whidden of the collective MTAA bought his own art at the icommons summit in Dubrovnik. The original post on the iCommons site republished below. You read it right folks! Artist in Residence Tim Whidden of the collective MTAA bought his own art less than an […]

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Posting Notice: Reviews Stuck in Handy Queue

by Art Fag City on June 16, 2007

One of more aggravating aspects of the icommons blog that I’m supposed to like is the fact that there is a delay before the publishing of articles for voting and editing.  I don’t mind the feedback, but the voting queue time drives me mad. While I wait for my latest exhibition review to load into […]

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The Aesthetics of the Second Life Welcome

by Art Fag City on June 15, 2007

A photo credit I’d gladly pass on to someone else. Photo AFC As evidenced above clearly I have not been blessed with the best photographing skills in the world, so I can only hope that the written support I provide will be enough to make a small, but amusing point. Cudos to readers who manage […]

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by Art Fag City on June 15, 2007

Perhaps my inclination towards jealousy of any sort results in a complete lack of interest in viewing photographs of people I know in far away places. As a result, you’re not going to see countless pictures of Dubrovnik on this blog, though I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t at least observe that […]

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Art Intercom: Artist Nathaniel Stern Interviews Art Fag City

by Art Fag City on June 14, 2007

In case you’ve been wondering what I look like when I’m at the “office”, the above image should satisfy that burning question. Do note however that I am only committing the narcissistic act of publishing a photograph of myself for the purposes of the following interview. Artist Nathaniel Stern offered to close off the icommons […]

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Posting Notice: Traveling to Croatia

by Art Fag City on June 13, 2007

Image via MTAA Consider this a hastily written post as I am on my way to catch a plane to Croatia. Look forward to all kinds of posting from in a day or two.

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