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Joseph Kosuth

Seth Siegelaub (1941-2013): To Never Dream Without Action

by Corinna Kirsch on June 17, 2013
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One of our heroes, Seth Siegelaub passed away this weekend at the age of 71.

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Four Gems from Berlin’s Sprawling Gallery Weekend

by Matthew Leifheit on May 7, 2013
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From the number of Berliners in galleries last weekend, you would think they were handing out free bratwurst.
Instead, they’d come for art, which fills every crevasse and hole in the city during Berlin Gallery Weekend. It’s similar to Gallery Week in New York, in that it brings big-name artists in for shows at major galleries and institutions. But thanks to cheap rents, you’ll just as often stumble across a show in a back alley, an empty shipping container, or somebody’s apartment. Here are the four shows that, more than the rest, had a little more soul.

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We Went to the Lower East Side, Part 2

by The AFC Staff on January 14, 2013
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This time around we find ourselves at The Artist’s Institute, Feature Inc., Lehmann Maupin, and the Hole.

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Free Art: Download and Print Your Own Conceptual Art

by Corinna Kirsch on March 5, 2012
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Now you can xerox your own Xerox Book. In collaboration with the non-profit Primary Information, Seth Siegelaub, the do-it-all curator, writer, and art dealer, just released half a dozen of his essays and art projects from the late 60's and 70's for free download. It's all part of Primary Information's new Seth Siegelaub Online Archive and it will be expanding in the months to come. Siegelaub's interest in conceptual artists and how they can make a living from ephemeral and reproducible materials remains incredibly fresh, particularly in light of the Occupy Movement.

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Stop Mentioning Andy Warhol

by Will Brand on April 28, 2011
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One thing experience has taught me: just because you can relate everything to Andy Warhol, doesn’t mean you should. Carol Vogel’s article about Hans-Peter Feldmann’s plans for his upcoming exhibition at the Guggenheim is a good example. Feldmann, who as the winner of the Hugo Boss Prize receives both a solo exhibition at the Guggenheim and $100,000, plans to pin the money in $1 bills to the walls of the museum. I’m torn about the concept – accumulating a bunch of identical objects and lining the gallery with them is pretty old hat – but the humility that drives it is, I think, honest.

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Art Fag City at The L Magazine: Better Than Nothing

by Paddy Johnson on April 28, 2011
Thumbnail image for Art Fag City at The L Magazine: Better Than Nothing

This week at The L Magazine I discuss three Chelsea shows: Joseph Kosuth at Sean Kelly, Sascha Braunig at Foxy Production and Rochelle Feinstein at On Stellar Rays. A few words about Kosuth after the jump.

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IMG MGMT: The Cube Show

by Deborah Kass on October 19, 2010
Thumbnail image for IMG MGMT: The Cube Show

IMG MGMT is an annual image-based artist essay series. Today's invited artist Deborah Kass is a Broadway baby whose paintings examine the intersection of art history, popular culture and the self.

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